Web UI vs Comfy UI: How Should AI Painting Beginners Choose?

Web UI vs Comfy UI: How Should AI Painting Beginners Choose?

For those interested in AI painting, you must have heard of Web UI and Comfy UI.

So what are the differences between these two?

How should we choose between them?

This article will answer your questions and clear up any confusion. Understanding Web UI and Comfy UI, this is all you need to know!

Similarities and Background

Web UI and Comfy UI are both essentially derived from Stable Diffusion, but in practice, they have each taken on their unique forms.

If we use a desktop computer as an analogy, Web UI is like an all-in-one machine with full functionality and ease of use, while Comfy UI is more akin to a computer that can be freely assembled according to personal needs.

Both are third-party tools developed to provide users with a more convenient image generation experience.

Notably, Comfy UI has already received official recognition, undoubtedly adding a bright spot to its promotion among the user community.

Web UI

Advantages of Web UI

  • The appeal of Web UI lies in its simple operation and intuitiveness. As soon as you open the interface, users can immediately see a clear visualization of the operation area, allowing even complete beginners to quickly get started and easily understand various functions.

  • Furthermore, Web UI integrates a plethora of pre-developed tools, saving users the trouble of searching for them and allowing them to use them directly, significantly shortening the learning curve.

  • What's more noteworthy is that due to Web UI's high popularity, the tutorials and learning resources based on it are exceptionally abundant, allowing users to continuously grow and share their learning experiences with others through the process of learning and exchanging.

Disadvantages of Web UI

  • However, Web UI is not without flaws. Its primary issue lies in its extremely high requirements for computer configurations. Take the newly released SDXL model as an example; compared to the previous 1.5 model, it supports a wider range of styles, but this also means it has more stringent hardware requirements.

  • To run the SDXL model smoothly, users' computers need at least a 4060 or higher graphics card, which can be quite costly.

  • Moreover, Web UI often encounters VRAM errors during use. If any step runs poorly, it will report an error, which significantly impairs the user experience.

  • More regrettably, Web UI's author updates at a relatively slow pace, meaning users may not be able to enjoy the latest features and optimizations.

Comfy UI

Advantages of Comfy UI

  • Comfy UI stands out in the image generation field with its unique advantages. Firstly, it has significantly lower computer configuration requirements, undoubtedly providing more choices for users. Even computers with just a 2060 graphics card can smoothly run the SDXL model, allowing more users to experience the allure of image generation.

  • Secondly, Comfy UI's operating mechanism is more robust. During use, even if an error occurs in one step, it will not interrupt the entire process. It will only stop running at the point of error, saving users a considerable amount of time and effort, and improving work efficiency.

  • Furthermore, Comfy UI's flexibility is also a significant highlight. Users can freely assemble workflows according to their needs. In contrast, while Web UI's workflow also offers convenient operation, its fixed nature limits users' customization space. Comfy UI, on the other hand, allows users to simultaneously use multiple large models, and as long as the workflow has run once and the parameters haven't changed, there's no need to recalculate, significantly speeding up the image generation process.

  • Moreover, for users with relatively fixed work content, Comfy UI provides an opportunity to continuously optimize and refine the workflow. Through repeated use and adjustment, users can continuously improve the quality of the workflow, achieving more efficient and precise image generation.

Disadvantages of Comfy UI

  • Its learning curve is relatively steep, and first-time users may feel a bit lost and unsure where to start.

  • Additionally, during use, Comfy UI may also encounter various error messages, requiring users to have some technical ability and patience to troubleshoot and resolve issues.

  • At the same time, users still need to find suitable components themselves to assemble the workflow, undoubtedly increasing the difficulty and learning cost of use.


While Web UI is a good starting point, Comfy UI is undoubtedly a tool worth your in-depth learning and mastery.

Through continuous learning and practice, you will be able to fully leverage Comfy UI's advantages, achieving more efficient and precise image generation.